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Carolyne Ngina Vita - Master of Business Administration (Strategic Management), Kenyatta University, Kenya

Phelgonah Genga - Department of Business Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya


Strategic management practice and execution is an indispensable part of the strategic management process and is seen as the procedure that transforms the figured system into a progression of activities and afterward results to guarantee that the vision, mission, methodology, and vital destinations of an association are effectively accomplished as arranged. The aim of this study was to establish strategic management practices in implementation of projects at the Makueni county government in Kenya.  The specific objectives included the effect of strategy planning, strategy formulation and strategy evaluation on implementation of projects in Makueni County government. The study was anchored on resource based view theory and actor network theory. The researcher adopted descriptive research design in the study. The total target population was 120 from the County consisting of chief officers, directors and head of departments. A sample of 50% was taken in this study which makes the total sample of 60 respondents. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires administered to the respondents. Data was analysed using multiple regression analysis through SPSS software. The analyzed data was presented through frequencies, percentages, charts, graphs and tables in prose-form. The findings of this study would be of significant importance to the top county executives. The study would enable the county executives to appreciate and understand the importance of effective strategic planning and implementation at the county level. The findings of the study indicated that effective strategy making starts with the formation of a strategic vision which describe where the organization wants to go in future with mean of 4.125 and standard deviation of 1.001, strategic planning was statistically significant p=0.004<0.05,  each personnel level at Makueni board is educated about the importance of the organization strategy; the mean was 3.923 and standard deviation1.315, strategy formulation was statistically significant p=0.000<0.05, monitoring provides managers and stakeholders with regular feedback with mean of 3.912 and standard deviation of 1.002, strategy evaluation was significant p=0.002<0.05.  The study concludes that strategic planning statistically influences implementation of projects, strategy formulation has significant effect on implementation of projects, and strategy evaluation is a significant factor affecting implementation of projects.  The study recommends that the top management of all the 47 county governments in Kenya should communicate strategic vision in clear, exciting terms that arouse organization wide commitment. The top management of county governments in Kenya should choose among alternative strategies and to pursue approaches.

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