

Charles Mutembei Gerrard - Master of Arts in Project Planning and Management, University of Nairobi, Kenya

Dr. John M. Wanjohi - School of Physical Sciences, University of Nairobi, Kenya


The prisons departments have been working with Non-Governmental Medical Organizations to implement health projects within the prison’s facilities in Kenya in order to improve the health of prisoners. However, successful implementation of health projects is a common problem in the Kenya Prisons Service not only with an immeasurable cost to society who benefits from these projects within the prisons but also with debilitating effects on the inmates. The purpose of this study was to determine factors influencing the implementation of prisons health projects in Kenya, Meru region Prisons. The study sought to achieve the following objectives; to evaluate the extent to which technical capacity, stakeholders’ involvement, source of funding and prisons leadership influences implementation of prisons health projects in the Kenya, Meru Region Prisons. The study was grounded on resource base view theory, agency theory, stakeholder’s theory and strategic leadership theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design with the target population comprising of Kenya Prison Staff. Primary data was obtained using self-administered questionnaires while secondary data was obtained using data collection sheet. Data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 23.0) which is the most recent version. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages were estimated for all the quantitative variables and information presented inform of tables. The qualitative data from the open-ended questions was analysed using conceptual content analysis and presented in prose. Inferential data analysis was done using multiple regression analysis to test whether there is any significant relationship between implementation of prisons health projects and the various factors affecting it. The study found that prisons department has developed the technical capacity of its medical personnel and also that the prisons department has employees who are experienced in matters of prisons health. The study further found that stakeholders’ involvement had a strong and positive significance on implementation of prison health projects. The study also found that there is adequate government financial allocation to implement prisons health projects. The study found that relationship between prison leadership and the implementation of prion health project was statistically significant. The study concluded that source of funding had the greatest effect on implementation of prisons health projects in Meru region followed by technical capacity then prisons leadership while stakeholders’ involvement had the least effect on the implementation of prisons health projects in Meru region. The study recommends that there is need for the government to build more prisons so as to eliminate congestion to reduce health effects relating to air-borne diseases. The study further recommends that there should be advocacy on formulation of prison health programs strategic plan at the county level by the policy makers.

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